Jonas Depecker
PhD researcher Contact: Phone: +32 493719744 ORCID | ResearchGate | Twitter: @DepeckerJonas |
My research focuses on the population biology of wild Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora) in the Congo basin. Robusta coffee is becoming increasingly important for coffee production worldwide due to its higher disease resistance and lower susceptibility to climate change than Arabica coffee. Yet, the native populations of Robusta coffee in the Congo basin, which are a source of valuable genetic diversity, are currently under threat due to anthropogenic forest disturbance. Crucial information for the conservation of these populations in terms of pollination biology and mating patterns, and how they are affected by rainforest disturbance, is currently lacking.
- MSc, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 2019
Employment history
- PhD researcher, Meise Botanic Garden, 2019 - ongoing
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