Science news
- Human activities increasingly threaten forests in the Congo Basin [02/09/2022]
- World Flora Online in Meise Botanic Garden [18/07/2022]
- Successful reintroduction of the brome of the Ardennes in Wallonia ! [15/07/2022]
- Meise Botanic Garden leverages digitisation project DiSSCo-Flanders [13/07/2022]
- AMPEE6 [08/06/2022]
- Evolution of seed size and genome size depends on plant life-form [25/05/2022]
- Plant Scientists Meet and Greet in Meise Botanic Garden [06/05/2022]
- New publication: Cyperaceae of tropical West Africa [25/03/2022]
- Resolving the evolutionary history of Mother-in-law’s tongues [08/03/2022]
- Cultivated and wild bananas in northern Viet Nam threatened by а devastating fungal disease [07/03/2022]
- Discovery of a new genus of green algae in the remote Pacific Ocean [22/02/2022]
- Genetic diversity of Robusta coffee in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [27/10/2021]
- An extinction wave of microalgae due to climate change in Antarctica [05/10/2021]
- A decision-making tool for restoring lowland grasslands in Europe [14/09/2021]
- Launch of the Flemish implementation of the Distributed System of Scientific Collections: DiSSCo [06/09/2021]
- One in three tree species at risk of extinction! [06/09/2021]
- The micro life in Antarctica is more unique and richer than expected [25/01/2021]
- Scientists fight to save the sweet potato’s identity [05/01/2021]
- 2020 GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge [20/10/2020]
- The search for coffee in Yangambi, Democratic Republic of the Congo [28/07/2020]
- Safeguarding edible mushroom production in African miombo woodlands [03/06/2020]
- [New publication] - Meise Botanic Garden meets important educational needs [15/04/2020]
- Ex situ collections and their potential for the restoration of extinct plants [23/03/2020]
- Uncovering forest diversity in south-eastern Madagascar [28/02/2020]
- Uitdagingen om uitgestorven plantensoorten terug tot leven te wekken - case study met Bromus bromoideus [27/02/2020]
- Exposing invasive look-alikes of native mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)[29/01/2020]
- Records reveal a third of tropical Africa’s flora faces extinction [29/01/2020]
- Collecting wild banana genetic resources in Papua New Guinea [13/01/2020]
- The origin of green seaweeds elucidated [06/01/2020]
- Microcostatus elisabethianus, a new micro-alga dedicated to the Belgian Princess Elisabeth [28/11/2019]
- Finding important diversification zones for Central African plants [30/10/2019]
- New Online Platform For Central African Flora [26/07/2019]
- Amanita bweyeyensis, a new tropical African mushroom with deadly relatives [27/06/2019]
- The origin of Oxalis corniculata [25/04/2019]
- Rediscovery of giant needleleaf in Belgium due to a 152 year old herbarium specimen [11/04/2019]
- Revision of the genus Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in West and Central Africa [25/03/2019]
- Transcribathon for invasive species [25/03/2019]
- Digitising 1.4 million herbarium specimens from around the world [25/03/2019]
- International Euphorbia Convention, 18 & 19th of May 2019, Botanic Garden Meise (PDF)
- A new movie on the LIFE project "Herbages" [15/01/2019]
- Exploring marine biodiversity in southern Mozambique [11/01/2019]
- Seaweeds indicate origins of Coral Triangle biodiversity [10/01/2019]