Meise Botanic Garden and diversity
Dealing positively with diversity and stimulating diversity within Meise Botanic Garden is both ethically, legally and economically necessary. From these three angles, the Flemish government has opted for diversity in its workforce for years. Nice results and visible progress can be presented, but there is still a long way to go and the challenges in the current context are particularly great. Meise Botanic Garden contributes to this endeavour.
Meise Botanic Garden, as a member of EURAXESS, also adheres to the EURAXESS charter for researchers and to the code of conduct for recruitment of researchers.
The main lines of force of our diversity policy are formulated in the Diversity plan 2019-2024. We pay attention to people's differences and consider it important to continue the efforts in terms of the management of target groups. In this way, we avoid thinking in terms of ‘us and them’, and thus avoid exclusion and stigmatisation. Meise Botanic Garden strives for an inclusive approach in which employees are truly involved in the work culture. The Diversity plan is updated annually and activities are foreseen each year. The version 2021 is here: