EXPBIO: Meise Botanic Garden Focuses on Biodiversity and Seed Cultivation

The EXPBIO project ("Expanding transnational capacities to strengthen plant biodiversity and restoration in the North Sea region") is a collaboration in the North Sea region aimed at improving plant biodiversity and ecosystem restoration. The focus is on strengthening the soil seed bank, developing innovative seed mixtures, and engaging citizens through education.

What do we aim to achieve?

Due to increasing urbanization in the North Sea region, humans have become more disconnected from nature. One consequence of this is 'plant blindness'—the inability to appreciate plant diversity or recognize its importance.

In Europe, many valuable ecosystems have been lost, along with the crucial ecosystem services they provide. This loss is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The European Nature Restoration Law aims to reverse this trend by promoting habitat restoration. A key element of habitat restoration is ensuring the sufficient availability and usability of seeds from native plant populations.

The lack of these seeds and the issue of 'plant blindness' have prompted Plantentuin Meise to collaborate with other partners in the North Sea region. The goal is to enhance communication about biodiversity, promote ecosystem restoration, develop native seed mixtures for various habitats, share knowledge on ecosystem recovery, and reduce 'plant blindness.'

How will we achieve this?

  • We will develop a strategic roadmap for biodiversity restoration.
  • We will test grassland restoration methods in demonstration plots, focusing on the seed reserves already present in the soil.
  • We will test multifunctional seed mixtures for ecosystems in the North Sea region and showcase the test plots to stakeholders and the general public.
  • A transnational action plan will be created to reduce 'plant blindness' through education and citizen science.
  • We will make seeds from native plant populations available.

What does EXPBIO mean for Plantentuin Meise?

EXPBIO provides Meise Botanic Garden with the opportunity to actively contribute to reducing 'plant blindness' by promoting knowledge and education about native plants and their ecology.

Additionally, the project supports the further development of our seed bank. Our expertise in seed ecology—from selecting suitable source populations to preserving and storing seeds—makes us a valuable partner within EXPBIO. Through this project, we can deepen our knowledge and apply it to broader seed cultivation and distribution, contributing to the availability of native plants for nature restoration.

Research shows that both spreading seed-containing hay and sowing target species are effective methods. However, sowing has proven to be the most successful approach for reintroducing key species. Therefore, EXPBIO is strongly committed to making seeds from native populations available.

Within the INTERREG NSR EXPBIO project, we focus on the entire 'seed pathway': from seed collection to commercialization. This complex process requires close collaboration between various stakeholders.

Partnership and Collaboration

Eight partners are working together within EXPBIO:

  • Gothenburg Botanical Garden (SE) – Lead partner
  • City of Trollhättan (SE)
  • Municipality of Hjørring (DK)
  • Carl von Ossietzky University (DE)
  • Province of Gelderland (NL)
  • Flemish Land Agency (BE)
  • Meise Botanic Garden (BE)
  • Department of Environment (BE)

With EXPBIO, Plantentuin Meise continues its mission: protecting plant diversity and spreading knowledge about native flora. This project strengthens the bond between people and nature and contributes to a sustainable future for biodiversity in the North Sea region.

More Information

Site web EXPBIO