
Users are asked to register at the reception desk when visiting the library for the first time. Registration implies knowing and accepting library regulations. Address changes have to be communicated to the library as soon as possible. Please respect opening hours and sign the readers' register with every visit.

According to privacy legislation, users have the right to look into their personal data in the computer files.

Bibliographic research can be done in the VUBIS online public catalogue (three terminals are available), in the card catalogue ( please do not remove index cards from the drawers ), or in the reference works on display in the reading room.

Since the library keeps its collections in a closed storage system, requests for books and periodicals must be made by request forms. These can be found next to the computers in the reading room.

  • The bibliographic references and the shelf marks have to be copied legibly, preferably in capitals and as complete as possible, one title per form.
  • Each reader may consult a maximum of 10 volumes at once and has to hand in these works before submitting a new request.
  • The last request must be deposited before 11h30 in the morning and before 15h15 in the afternoon.
  • When leaving the reading room, users are invited to leave behind the works and request forms on the tables.
  • In case of overcrowding, the library staff may impose restrictions.
  • Please report possible damaged books immediately upon receipt, if not, damage can be charged on your account. It is forbidden to annotate any library items, even in pencil.

Valuable books (bearing the shelf mark 'VAL' in the VUBIS Opac) can only be consulted on special demand and under the supervision of the library staff.

Users can make photocopies providing the condition of the books allows it. It is strictly forbidden to photocopy valuable works. Photocopiers in self-service may only be used for copying conforming to the copyright legislation.

The use of a camera without a flash is permitted.

Borrowing is not permitted. Only members of the Royal Botanical Society of Belgium may borrow a maximum of three volumes for a period of maximum two weeks.

It is strictly forbidden to smoke, drink or eat in the library. A vending machine with hot drinks can be found in the refectory on the second floor. Hot meals and/or sandwiches can be ordered in the canteen before 10 a.m. Both refectory and canteen are open for visitors wishing to picnic.