[Science News] - The Belgian Plant Science Community officially launched
Since March 10, Belgium has had a national network for plant science researchers: the Belgian Plant Science Community (BPSC). More than 100 leading Belgian researchers from major research institutions and public organizations gathered at Meise Botanic Garden to shape the future of plant research in Belgium.
The participants represented a wide range of universities, research institutes, and public organizations, including KU Leuven, UGent, ULiège, ULB, UCLouvain, VIB, Meise Botanic Garden, ILVO, INBO, Hasselt University, Thomas More, VITO, CRA-W, the Flemish and federal governments, as well as various experimental and testing centers such as the Proefcentrum Hoogstraten and Inagro.
Belgium has a strong reputation in plant research, but until now, collaboration between institutions was often limited to individual projects. The BPSC aims to change this dynamic by establishing a structured network that fosters enhanced cooperation among researchers and scientific institutions. The initiators of the BPSC – the KU Leuven Plant Institute, Meise Botanic Garden, the VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology, TERRA (ULiège), and ULB – emphasize that close collaboration is essential to maximize the scientific and societal impact of plant research.
Under the guidance of facilitators, concrete objectives and priorities have been defined, and working groups have been formed around themes such as research funding, policy impact, and international cooperation.
With the successful launch of the BPSC, the foundations are now in place for a strong community of plant science researchers in Belgium. In the coming months, the network will continue to expand through regular meetings and strategic collaborations aimed at strengthening the position of Belgian plant research on the international stage.